Design a wix page template for Computer Science.
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3.1 Programming Techniques
Learners should have studied the following:
3.1.1 how to identify and use variables, operators, inputs, outputs and assignments
3.1.2 how to understand and use the three basic programming constructs used to control the flow of a program: Sequence; Selection; Iteration
3.1.3 how to understand and use suitable loops including count and condition controlled loops
3.1.4 how to use different types of data, including Boolean, string, integer and real, appropriately in solutions to problems
3.1.5 how to understand and use basic string manipulation
3.1.6 how to understand and use basic file handling operations:
3.1.7 how to define and use arrays (or equivalent) as appropriate when solving problems
3.1.8 how to understand and use functions/sub programs to create structured code.
3.1.1 variables, operators, inputs, outputs and assignments
how to identify and use variables, operators, inputs, outputs and assignments
In a program, data values can be constant or variable. If values are variable they can be changed by the program and the user.
When a program is run, the data values are held in memory whilst they are being worked on.
Variables are data values that can change when the user is asked a question, for example, their age. Variables may change during program execution.
A variable is a memory location. It has a name that is associated with that location. The memory location is used to hold data. The key difference when comparing a constant to a variable is that the value associated with a variable name may change during program execution. For example 'highScore' would need to be variable to change throughout a game.
The content and organisation of a computer's memory is not fixed - so neither is the value that is pointed at by a variable.
When data is read from a variable, the content of the memory location is copied and used in calculations.
variables in python...
An operator is a symbol that tells the computer to perform a certain logical or mathematical or logical manipulations.
Arithmetic Operators
Many of the operators you have encountered so far may be mathematical, for example
+ (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), and / (division). These are standard mathematical operations that can be applied to numeric data types, the results of such operations being assigned to a variable. EXAMPLE: total = num1 + num2
variables in python...
Blah, Blah, Blah
did you know?
Blah Blah Blah
Below are images that can be used in a chess game. The images act as variables, what variable names would be considered sensible for the images outlined below?