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You should be able to identify memory components of a CPU


Success Criteria:

  • Identify the different buses used for data to be moved. 

  • Define the different registers used within the CPU. 

1.1 Systems Architecture

Learners should have studied the following:

  • the purpose of the CPU

  • Von Neumann architecture:

    • MAR (Memory Address Register)

    • MDR (Memory Data Register)

    • Program Counter

    • Accumulator

  • common CPU components and their funtion

    • ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) 

    • CU (Control Unit)

    • Cache

  • the function of the CPU as fetch and execute instructions stored in memory

  • how common characteristics of CPUs affect their performance

    • clock speed

    • cache size

    • number of cores

  • embedded systems:

    • purpose of embedded systems

    • examples of embedded sytems.


On small CPUs, the data bus and address bus are sometimes combined into one bus. This is called multiplexing.


Register: The section of high speed memory within the CPU that stores data to be processed.

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Unscrammble the following:





  • Central Processing Unit

  • Control Unit (CU)

  • Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

  • Cache

  • Registers


A bus is a channel which data can move. Buses are circuits on the motherboard that connect the CPU to other components. There are many buses on the motherboard. A bus moves instructions and data around the system. There are 3 types of buses that you need to be aware of;

1. Data bus: Carries data between the CPU and memory

2. Control Bus: Carries Control signals around the CPU and memory.

3. Address bus: Carries memory addresses for locations to be read from or written to. 

The speed of a bus is measured in megahertz (MHz). The faster the bus, the faster data is communicated. The speed of the motherboard is defined by the bus speed.

When looking at the CPU, you will come across 4 primary memory's:

  • Registers are the closest 'memory' component to the CPU. 

  • Cache, A piece of temporary memory. It can refer to a part of the RAM, storage disk, CPU, or an area for storing web pages.

  • RAM, Random Access Memory (RAM): Memory that is constantly being written to and read from. It does not retain its contents without a constant supply of power, eg when a computer is turned off, everything stored in its RAM is lost.

  • Virtual memory: A section of a computer storage drive which is temporarily used as RAM.

Memory Data Register

  • In order for the CPU to fetch an instruction from main memory (RAM), the instruction is temporarily stored in a special register called the Memory Data Register (MDR).

  • Data (unlike instructions) goes both ways. Data can be fetched from main memory and brought to the CPU to be processed. After processing, it may be sent back to RAM to be stored (short term). All data must pass through the MDR whether it is on its way to the CPU or RAM.

  • All data and instructions pass via the data bus.

Memory Address Register

  • Every instruction or data in main memory (RAM) is located at a specific location. This location has an unique address, just like a house has its own unique address.

  • The address of the data or instruction being accessed is temporarily stored in the Memory Address Register.

  • This address is passed to RAM by means of the address bus.

taSK 1

You are now going to complete an interim assessment based on all that we have discussed and learnt so far. 

This will help your teacher, identify your areas of strengths and weaknesses. It will also allow us to identify any interventions we could put in place for you. (20 MINUTES) 

TEACHERS: Please load the socrative  assessment (CPU Topic Assessment)

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